Daily Schedule

8:30AM - Welcome

A warm and inviting start to the day, where children are greeted with enthusiasm, fostering a sense of community.

8:30am - 11:30am - Morning Montessori Learning Session

  • Circle Time: Engaging group activities with presentations of Montessori materials, encouraging collaborative learning and social interaction.

  • Individual Work Time: Tailored Montessori-based activities, allowing each child to explore and work at their own pace, fostering independence and focused learning.

  • Morning Snacks: A nutritious break to recharge, promoting healthy habits and socialization.

11:30am - 12:00pm - Outside Free Play

Outdoor playtime, encouraging physical activity, exploration, and social interaction.

12:00pm - 12:30pm - Lunch

A communal time for sharing a wholesome meal, emphasizing social skills and a positive relationship with food.

12:30pm - 1:00pm - Story Time

A quiet and immersive story session, promoting language development and a love for literature.

1:00pm - 2:30pm - Nap Time

Individualized nap time to accommodate varying sleep needs, ensuring each child is rested and ready for the afternoon.

2:30pm - 3:30pm - Afternoon Montessori Learning Session

  • Afternoon Snacks: A nourishing break, preparing children for the next phase of the day.

  • Free Play: Unstructured playtime, allowing creativity and socialization.

3:30pm - 4:00pm - Montessori-Based Individual Work Time

Tailored Montessori activities for individual exploration, adapting to each child's understanding level and age.

Monthly Themes & Learning


Antarctica | Winter Season | Dr. MLK


Asia | Lunar New Year | Valentine’s Day | President’s Day


Europe | Spring Season | Birds | St. Patrick’s Day


South America | Insects


Africa | Amphibians | Mother’s Day


Australia | Father’s Day


Summer Activities | 4th of July


Summer Activities


Senses | Self-awareness | Apples


Family | Food & Nutrition | Solar Systems | Halloween


North America | Community Helpers | Thanksgiving


Winter Themes | Seasonal Holidays | Holiday Performance